Normally, the credit card fee is deducted from your earnings. However, as a creator, you have the option to change this setting and cover the credit card fee from supporters. If you'd like to learn how to do that, you can refer to this article for detailed instructions.
Steps to eliminate the credit card fee
Log in to your Buy Me a Coffee account dashboard and navigate to the settings section.
Scroll down until you find the option labelled "Cover credit card fee."
By default, this feature is enabled. If you want your fans to incur the credit card fee associated with their payment, you can disable it.
Click the "Save Changes" button to save your settings.
Why should you eliminate the credit card fee?
If you decide not to disable the "Cover credit card fee" option, it will impact your earnings on this platform. Your supporters will only be charged the amount they originally intended to contribute, while the credit card fee will be deducted separately from your earnings.
If you disable the feature and choose to cover the credit card fee from your supporters, they will be charged $26.03 for a $25 contribution, as depicted in the image above. In this scenario, your supporters will cover the cost of the additional charge as a credit card fee, and your earnings will align with what you initially expected to receive from your supporters.
Hope this article was helpful. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any further assistance regarding this.